Car rental
and other services

On-site assistance may include:
battery charge
car diagnostics
paint control
wheel change
possibly others (by agreement)
Perfect service for people who don't have time to go to the service center or they need independent advice.
Around Prague and Central Bohemia - Mělník, Neratovice, Líbeznice, Brandýs nad Labem, Zdiby, etc.
I'll get to you range 15 - 60 minutes by location.
Price 1,490 CZK

Car rental
The insurance company does not want to insure your car, even though you are the injured party? Do they make the excuse that you are from a big city where there is public transport?
We will take care of everything and arrange it for you.
Everything is a matter of agreement and you will receive an individual approach with a wide range of solutions.
The following cars are available:
Our services are perfectly flexible